Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

David the brave young man

David was the youngest of Jesse from Bethlehem. Hew had eight brothers. He was a good looking young man. He was a shepherd for his father's flocks.
Event hough David was the youngest, God anointed him to be a king someday. Since then, the power of the Lord came upon him.

One day, Goliath, a giant Philistine attack the Israelite and David helped the King to fight against Goliath. He slung the stone and struck into Goliath's forehead. The stone sank into Goliath's forehead and he fell Goliath fell facedown on th
e grown.

David fought on the name of Lord the Almighty. And he won the fight.

Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

The Baby Moses / Bayi Musa

There was a cruel king named Pharaoh when Moses was born.  He ordered his people to trow the baby boy into the Nile River.

When Moses was born, his mother was very sad, and she hid him for three months. But She could not hid him longer, so the put the baby into papyrus basket and put it among the reeds along the Nile.

When Pharaoh's daughter come to bath, she saw the baby in the basket and felt sorry for him. She took the baby and named him MOSES, meant I took him out of water.

Then the baby grown up, and Lord had big assignment for him to save His People Israel from slavery and led them to the land where they could praise and worship the Lord.

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Yusuf di Mesir - Joseph in Egypt

Joseph was the youngest son of Jacob. He had many brothers. Joseph’s mother was died when he was a little, but his father loved him very much. When they found that his father loved him more than any of them they hated him.

Jusuf adalah anak bungsu dari Yakub. Dia mempunyai banyak saudara laki-laki. Ibu Jusuf sudah meninggal saat Jusuf masih kecil, tetapi ayahnya sangat menyanyangi dia. Ketika saudara-saudaranya tahu bahwa ayahnya lebih sayang kepada Jusuf, lebih dari mereka, sehingga mereka membenci Jusuf.

On day Joseph had a dream. His dream said that the moon and eleven stars were bowing down to him. His brothers hated him more when they heard about the dream and secretly sold Joseph to the merchant. The merchant then took Joseph to Egypt.

Suatu hari Jusuf bermimpi. Dalam mimpinya ada bulan dan sebelas bintang yang tunduk menyembah dia. Saudara-saudara lebih membencinya ketika Jusuf menceritakan mimpinya itu dan mereka kemudian diam-diam menjual Jusuf ke seorang saudagar. Saudagar itu membawa Jusuf ke Mesir.

Joseph was afraid of God. And God looked after Joseph, so he became a Governor in Egypt. Joseph did not forget his family, and took all the family and brothers to live happily in Egypt.

Jusuf takut akan Tuhan. Dan Tuhan menjaga Jusuf, sehingga dia menjadi penguasa di Mesir. Jusuf tidak melupakan keluarganya, dan membawa keluarga dan saudara-saudaranya tinggal di Mesir dengan bahagia.

Bahtera Nuh - Noah's Ark

Noah was a righteous man. He walked with God.
On time, God was very sad because people on the earth become more and more wicked. The earth was full of violence so God wanted to destroy it.

Nuh adalah orang yang benar. Dia taat kepada Allah.
Suatu hari, Tuhan menjadi sangat sedih karena manusia dibumi menjadi semakin jahat. Bumi penuh dengan kekerasan sehingga Allah ingin memusnahkan mereka semua.

God said to Noah, “I’m going to put an end to all people’s life and all life on the earth by sending flood waters from heaven. But for you Noah, I will keep you and your family safe. Build for your and your family an ark, bring also two kinds of different animals with you into ark.

Tuhan berbicara kepad Nuh, “Aku akan melenyapkan semua kehidupan manusia dan semua yang hidup di bumi dengan mengirimkan banjir besar. Tapi untuk mu Nuh, Aku akan menjaga engkau dan seluruh keluargamu selamat. Buatlah bahtera besar dan bawa pula sepasang binatang dari semua macam binatang kedalam bahtera itu.

Noah listened to God and built the ark just as God said.

Noah taat kepad Tuhan dan membuat bahtera seperti yang di titahkan Tuhan.

Then, for forty days and forty nights the flood kept coming on the earth. The water increased and lifted the ark above waters, and suddenly above the top of mountains. The waters destroyed all the life on the earth but Noah and the whole family safe.

Kemudian, selama empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam, hujan turun ke bumi, dan air naik dan mengangkat bahtera terapung diatas air, dan tiba-tiba air lebih tinggi dari puncak gunung. Banjir memusnahkan semua kehidupan di bumi akan tetapi Nuh dah dan seluruh keluarganya selamat.

God send a warm breeze to dry up the earth. Noah waited until God told him it was safe to come out from the ark. Then Noah opened the door and set all the animals free.

Tuhan mengirimkan hembusan angin hangat untuk mengeringkan bumi. Nuh menunggu sampai Tuhan memberitahunya bahwa sudah aman keluar dari bahtera. Kemudian Nuh membuka pintu bahtera dan melepaskan semua binatang.

Noah thanked to God for keeping him and family safe.

Nuh berterima kasih kepada Tuhan karena Tuhan menyelamatkan dia dan keluarganya.

God said to Noah, I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.

Tuhan berjanji kepada Nuh, “ Aku telah meletakkan pelangiku di awan, dan tidak akan ada lagi banjir yang akan melenyapkan bumi. "

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Dunia Ciptaan Allah - The Begining

Pada mulanya, Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. Bumi masih belum terbentuk. Allah berfirman,"Jadilah terang". Kemudian Allah menciptakan cakrawala. Semua dilihat baik adanya. Allah memenuhi bumi dengan pohon-pohonan berbuah, tanaman dan bunga-bunga yang indah. Allah juga menciptakan binatang-binatang lucu, binatang melata, burung-burung berkicau, dan segala jenis ikan yang hidup di laut. Allah melihat semua itu baik adanya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan manusia untuk menguasai semuanya.

In the beginning, God created heavens and earth. The earth was formless. Go said,"There let be light, and there was light." Then, God created the sky, and saw that it was good. God filled the earth fruitful trees, funny animals, all the creatures that move along the ground, colourful chattering birds, all kind of fishes in the sea. God saw that all was good. Then God created man, and woman to govern them all.

Allah menciptakan dunia seisinya selama 6 hari. Pada hari ke 7 Allah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Allah memberkati hari ke 7 dan menguduskannya, karena pada hari itulah Ia berhenti dari segala pekerjaan penciptaaNya. Allah sangat mengasihi semua ciptaanNya. Allah mengasihi kita.

God created the world in six days. At the seventh day, God finished from all His works and blessed that day and made it holy. God loves all His creatures, the animals and plants. God loves us more.